Shopping at Aldi for THM
I have had Aldi-envy for a really long time. I live in Colorado, an we are Aldi-deprived here. As far as I know, there isn't one in the state, and we are stuck shopping at regular old grocery stores here. 😉
I've gotten many requests from my readers for the low-down on THM-friendly foods that can be found at Aldi, but alas, I couldn't check it out for myself. But recently on a trip to visit my family in California I discovered that an Aldi had been built just minutes from where I was staying. I have never been so excited to go grocery shopping!
Pro tip:
I had been forewarned about needing a quarter for a cart (if you're unfamiliar with Aldi, you do get the quarter back), and needing my own bags. So I was armed with a quarter AND a laundry basket – it fit nicely in the cart, corralled all of the items I was buying, and made it easy to carry everything out to the car and into the house.
What I bought:
I went through the store and acted like a total creeper taking pictures.
Here's what I found that looked fantastic for Trim Healthy Mama:

And the best surprise of all…

I found some great basics like Greek yogurt, eggs, unsweetened almond milk, meat, cheese, frozen fruits, and frozen veggies. Plus, they had great prices on olives and artichoke hearts (some of my favorites for THM snacks and antipasto plates), and GREAT deals on fresh fruits and vegetables.
But the FUN stuff at Aldi (like Halo Top, travel-sized packages of nuts and seeds, and Moser Roth 86% chocolate) is the best!
I'd love to hear your favorite Aldi finds in the comments!
I guess the issue I find is that Aldi, while carrying some scant organic/non-gmo items, overall I don’t find many great deals.
I liked it there, but I don’t know for sure if I’d shop there every week if I lived close to one. I’ve heard from many people that it’s awesome once you get used to it.
We get many of our items from Aldi’s. I am going to do your shopping list from the 365 Meal Plan. I can maybe take a picture of the items I get from Aldi’s. Overall, when you are down on cash, it really is nice to get a cart full of foods for half the price. I love their chocolate. Their cottage cheese is a usual grab for me . My husband doesn’t like the cheese much, so sometimes we get our cheese from somewhere else. Our eggs, too. Oatmeal I get there, nuts, pickles. I actually don’t have a favorite item. Sometimes they have specialty items that are on plan.
Vegetables are completely Organic, no preservatives (use them quickly)
Sprouted bread
Almond milk, 39 cal. Unsweetened
Half n half
Grass-fed meat
Turkey, ground.. great substitute
Peanut Butter, no sugar
Applesauce, unsweetened
I love the spicy italian hard salami!!! And gouda cheese sticks.
Aldi is wonderful for all my produce. Seasoned shopper tip: if you ask what day the produce truck comes they will gladly tell you and you can come the next day to guarantee freshness!
Almond milk, eggs, oatmeal, real vanilla (cheaper per Oz than Costco), frozen veggies & fruits, their own version of halo top, cheese (my family will ONLY eat AldI cheese sticks!), nuts, ghee, unsweetened applesauce, on plan peanut butter, beans of various kinds, and meats. Another thing to point out…their organic spring salad mix is excellent. I’ve purchased organic spring mix elsewhere that does not stay as fresh as long. If your family eats other things that are not THM you can purchase so much and save youself a lot of money.
As one example I compared the price of riced cauliflower with Sams. It was basically the same price yet I did not need to invest in such a large quantity. I Love Aldi!!
Every time I go, I wonder why I’ve been so dumb and not to go every week!!