Trim Healthy Mama Diet Sample Meals
Here is an example of what you should eat on the Trim Healthy Mama Diet! I follow this guide every time I'm putting a plate of food together! This saves time and helps me make sure I'm getting everything I need.
My goal today is to de-mystify Trim Healthy Mama meals. I've been on the Trim Healthy Mama Diet for over 5 years now (maintaining after I got to goal weight, then losing baby weight again). My website is even published in two of their books! In that time, I've seen that my Trim Healthy Mama meals have become second-nature. I can eat at just about any restaurant or throw something together at home with very little thought and effort because I've gotten so used to eating on plan.
My Trim Healthy Mama meal plan and meals follow a formula – no matter what fuel type I'm eating. When I deviate from this, I often struggle more with weight loss and get caught up in bad food habits. Please remember that Trim Healthy Mama is not about rules, and this is not “official” THM advice – this is just a general guideline I follow to make meals as easy as possible. This blueprint for your plate can help you meal plan or come up with last minute meals quickly and easily – just like my Breakfast and Lunch Routine or Weekly Family Dinner Theme Nights.
Trim Healthy Mama Diet – Examples of My Dinner Plate:
This is not anything earth-shattering, but the most important parts of my plate for the Trim Healthy Mama Diet are protein and veggies.
When I started Trim Healthy Mama, I drew this circle as a representation of what should go on my plate:
Trim Healthy Mama Diet – S Meals:
Often, my S or E meal has protein built in, but I still don't want too many heavy dairy products in my S meals or too many carbs in my E meals. My S plate could have 1/4 of the plate filled with something like my Chicken Divan Casserole (S), 1/2 of my plate filled with veggies, and I can always throw a piece of Trim Healthy Mama's Wonderful White Blender Bread from Trim Healthy Table or another “S” side (like buttered cauliflower rice) in the spot reserved for protein because there is already protein in the Chicken Divan Casserole.
If I found that there was not enough protein in my healthy fats, however, I could add some meat or eggs as my S protein in the bottom left 1/4 of the plate.
Trim Healthy Mama Diet – E Meals:
I most often find that I need additional protein with E meals. The same diagram could look like this for a sample E meal:
I hope this visual example is helpful! This is how I've simplified meals – I'd love to hear how you're simplifying yours!
Other Helpful Resources:
The Ultimate Guide to THM Meal Planning
I'll send free THM meal plans (with shopping lists!) straight to your inbox when you sign up below!
I've done the meal planning for you!
I'll send you free meal plans and shopping lists! All gluten-free, all sugar-free, and all work for THM.

Hi Jen,
I just received an email from you with 4 ideas for pantry ready meals….meals to put in baskets in my pantry with all the ingredients for fast meals….your recipe for the meal for black bean soup…what is in your premixed seasoning packets…the other three meals listed the spices and quantities but not the bean soup. I am eager to try your fuel cycle menu…but are waiting till after we return from vacation….your menu actually has food I would eat and not strange combinations like most of the menus I find….and I need a figured out menu for me to be able to try the fuel cycle.
Hi Danielle! I often use a packet of taco seasoning, but really any Black Bean Soup seasoning packet that’s low in fat will work!
You can find Fuel Cycle menus and shopping lists here: THM FUEL CYCLE
Seeing the visual of the plate and the division of the foods for the S and the E meals made it click for me. Thank you so much!
New to the program…how do you know what kind of meal you need? For weight loss do you only do S meals?
Help a girl out here. lol
Hi! I my daughter (11 year old) and I are starting I have read the books all of them but I am still confused on how to choose what snacks. I understand and have found that we do need them every 3 hours. But my confusion is choosing the type will it matter? Thank you and any help will be appreciated! We have noticed some inches without snacks since getting used to the plan.