THM Gluten-Free Sugar-Free Easter Menu with printable shopping list!
When I started the THM lifestyle, big “special occasion” meals were my stumbling block. While eating sugar and combining carbs and fats for one meal won't destroy your life (or your diet, or your waistline), one meal often turns into two, which turns into a week of bad eating, which makes me feel gross. And after working so hard to put sugar cravings behind me, I didn't want to start over…but I didn't want to miss out on delicious food. It's particularly hard when you are the only cook in your house. I'm teaching my daughters to cook, and I was a bit tempted to hand them a “regular” dessert recipe while I avoided temptation, but I know sugar isn't good for them, either.
Adding Celiac Disease to the mix isn't fun either. I remember the first Easter dinner shortly after my daughter's diagnosis, and having no clue how to make anything gluten-free we just avoided a lot of our favorites.
This year, I decided to track down recipes that would be so amazing no one would be able to tell that we were eating a healthy, gluten-free, sugar-free meal that won't derail me from my Trim Healthy Mama eating habits.
This is my Easter menu this year, and my mouth is already watering looking at all of this yummy goodness. Here are the links to the recipes, and below that is the printable shopping list. The one ingredient that will be difficult to find in stores is Swerve Sweetener for dessert, and I just realized I've run out, so YAY for Amazon Prime's 2-day shipping!
This is a heavy “S”, and my one exception for feeding kids would be to add carbs of some sort (especially for my kids, because they definitely don't need to lose any weight!). I think I've decided to bake a few potatoes for them to enjoy, but the adults will pass so that we get all of the benefits of an “S” meal without any of the guilt! Ingredients for potatoes or mashed potatoes for the kids are not included on the shopping list, so you'll want to add those if you decide to make something extra.
Here are the links to the recipes, and the printable shopping list is at the bottom of the post:
1. Rack of Lamb with Mint Pesto from Food Network (photo credit goes to Lattes and Leggings Blog)
2. Cheesy Cauliflower Mashed “Better Than Potatoes” from I Breathe I'm Hungry
3. Oven-Roasted Asparagus from Pioneer Woman (This serves four, so I double the recipe because my kids love asparagus)
4. Low-Carb Bread Rolls from Maria Mind Body, Health- or some of the breads from the new THM Cookbook would be great, as well. The shopping list includes ingredients for the bread rolls linked here, though, so if you choose to make something else make sure you adjust the shopping list accordingly.
5. Easy Deviled Eggs from Six Sisters' Stuff (This uses six eggs for twelve deviled egg halves, for more you'll need extra eggs)
6. Chocolate Eclair Cake from my all-time-favorite place for dessert recipes, All Day I Dream About Food . If this one doesn't float your boat, there are TONS of other amazing recipes at – the desserts are incredible.
Because this is a Trim Healthy Mama “S” Meal, all of these recipes are low-carb, gluten-free, and added sugar-free. It's hard to believe, but this incredible meal is the same kind of meal that helped me to lose 30 pounds of stubborn baby weight in four months, getting me back high school weight. Even better, I've been able to maintain my weight by eating really great food every day. You'll want to read Trim Healthy Mama to learn exactly how that works. 😉
Here is the printable shopping list: Low-Carb, Trim and Healthy Easter Shopping List
I hope you have a wonderful Easter!
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Photo Credit: Adobe Stock

Thanks for the shout-out! Glad to provide the desserts 😉
Cannot link to all recipes. Can you update or remove? Thanks
Thanks for letting me know that one of the links wasn’t working correctly; it’s all updated now!
These recipe ideas look great. Do you use swerve like the dessert recipe calls for or something else? If something else, do you use the same measurements?
Thanks. 🙂
Hi Tina! Yes, I use Swerve because it’s one of my favorites. If you substitute another 1:1 sugar replacement you won’t need to adjust anything. If you use one of the THM sweeteners, I just use their conversion chart. 🙂
In regards to the low carb bread rolls..just wondering if you use the exact recipe in the link or if you change anything at all. I noticed that the recipe got tweaked down in the comments on that link. Thanks …all the recipes look delicious!
Hi Kathy! I originally tried the recipe on the post, but since then I’ve used the version in the comments.