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July Printable Menu

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31 Days of family meals that work for THM! Trim Healthy Mama, gluten-free, and includes free printable shopping lists - great resource!

It's July! Summer is almost over! I'm kidding…it just feels that way to me. This month I've got my grill on (not like a “grill” on my teeth; that would be weird. I mean like a for-real grill out in the back yard. Maybe I'll just say, “I've got my barbecue on” instead), I've got crockpot meals to keep my kitchen cool, and I've planned easier meals for Mondays because I hate Mondays. 

Kidding again. Kind of. 

As always, you can scroll to the bottom of this post to click the blue download buttons that will give you July's menu, printable shopping list, and instructions. You'll notice it says “Weeks 1 & 2”, but that really just includes the first two days of the month plus next week. 

If this menu doesn't float your boat, I have many others you could choose from. You could say I have a plethora of THM-friendly (and gluten-free!) free menus available here, so feel free to check those out!

Here are your notes (these are important!), and below these notes you’ll find the free printable downloads:

  • You can sign up at the bottom of this post for free access to my THM Menu Library!
  • If you’re interested in eating a healthy, frugal diet but you don’t know what the “S and E” letters next to the meal names are, don’t worry! Anyone can benefit from this healthy menu. Those letters are for the Trim Healthy Mama diet (which I highly recommend!), and if you’re interested, you can learn more about it in the Trim Healthy Mama book or with one of my free resources. 
  • MOST IMPORTANT if you follow Trim Healthy Mama: The clickable recipe links in the menu may not be THM-friendly as written. PLEASE make sure that you download and read the weekly instructions that make each recipe THM-compliant.
  • As always, this menu is gluten-free.
  • If there’s no clickable recipe link, that means it’s super simple and you can make it to your liking. If, for example, you don’t know how long to cook chicken thighs, you can just season them to your liking and cook them the way you normally do, or search for instructions online. But I try to include some instruction with each meal idea to make it simple. Lots of the breakfasts for this month are pretty easy, like scrambled eggs, and don’t include instructions.
  • As always, please note that my menu planning system includes repeating breakfasts, lunches, and snacks throughout the month for simplicity. That means there are lists of breakfasts, lunches, and a handful of snacks included on this menu. My kids and I enjoy the routine of knowing that on Monday we will be eating a certain thing for breakfast and a certain thing for lunch – it definitely saves time in the kitchen!
  • Some of the dinners filled us up, but it just might be us – feel free to add a side salad or round out your meals as desired.
  • Remember that THM is SO ADAPTABLE! You may need to swap out E for S, or S for E, or switch things up during the week. Don’t be afraid to mix up your fuel types and keep your body guessing!
  • This menu and the shopping lists that go with it feed my family of 7, but my oldest is 12. If you have bigger kids, or big eaters, you may want to add more protein, rice, and veggies to your shopping list. It doesn’t hurt the recipes to add an extra chicken breast or 1/2 lb of ground beef to make a meal stretch, and you can always add extra rice or veggies or salads as side dishes for the kids. When money’s tight, I’ll grab a bag of potatoes and give the kids a baked potato lunch when I’m eating a salad, or serve them as dinner sides that I avoid.
  • If you have a smaller family you may want to make the meals as directed but freeze half (if it’s freezable), or just eat the leftovers for lunch.
  • If you already need these ingredients and want to help keep WorkingatHomeschool.com running, using my affiliate links here doesn’t cost you any extra and definitely helps me out! You can check out my Resources Page to see where I buy my favorites.

Here is the full monthly menu, instructions with recipe links, and shopping lists:

Download July's Menu and Shopping List

THM Menus

Sign up for your free menus and shopping lists here!

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  1. Thank you SO MUCH for creating these menus! Some of the links are not working when I try them and I can’t find instructions, the few I have tried that are not working are the, Black Bean Salad, Turkey Taco Lettuce Wraps, and Meatballs with sauce. Thanks for any help you can give!

    1. Hi Nathalie! All of those links work for me, and I had someone else test them and they worked for that person on a different computer, too. The problem may be that those particular links are links to Pinterest, which may prompt your computer to bring up a pop-up box asking for your permission to open the link. Checking your browser’s settings for pop-ups might help; sorry you’re having trouble!

          1. What kind of THM meal would that be considered? A crossover because of the rice and beans?

  2. Seriously, thank you so much!!! I am a homeschooling momma of 3 littles. I followed THM last summer and was super successful for a month. Then I got pregnant and then a miscarriage, and I haven’t jumped back on the wagon. I love THM but have just been super overwhelmed lately. When I say this is a HUGE blessing for me right now, I mean it! I found your site because I searched on Pinterest for a THM menu. And to get homeschooling help too! Wow! Thank you Jesus! Thank you, Jen! Blessings to you!

    1. Meredith, I’m so sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I don’t talk about it often, but I’ve had four early miscarriages and it still hurts to think about. I can definitely understand being in survival mode and eating what you need to! I’m so glad this is helpful to you! I’ve been a THM for over 3 years, so if you have a question you think I might be able to answer please feel free to ask!

  3. Curious what the cooked amts of oatmeal are appropriate for FP and E breakfasts. We use steel cut oats and I soaked a big batch last night. Made oatmeal. All recipes have you soaking only old fashioned oats in a single serving. Do you have any idea how much cooked steel cut oatmeal is acceptable?

    1. Hi Rochelle! I had my testers check again, and I checked, and all of the links are working for us. I’m sorry you’re having trouble, though! May I ask which recipe link isn’t working for you?

  4. Just wanted to thank you for doing these menu plans – you have saved my sanity the past few months! Even if I don’t follow the exact days, depending on our schedules, it’s wonderful to have these plans and groceries on hand to make the meals! It’s saved us from eating out so many times . . . ! 🙂 Trying to get back on THM but dealing with other health issues has been difficult, but this is sure helping me ease back in. I know it’s so much work, so know that your work is much appreciated!!!!! Much love from Iowa!

    1. Hi Kelly! Thanks SO MUCH for your encouraging message! I am so glad the menus are helping you. I definitely understand having a hard time with health issues. It’s a fact of life that everyone has things get in the way sometimes, but I’m glad to hear you’re up to getting back into it! I hope your health issues resolve soon!

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