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How to Teach Homeschool Geography

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One geography book to teach multiple ages

Yes, it’s true. I teach all of my kids from ONE geography text. Crazy, right? I just wanted to share this resource with you all – this is an amazing book!

I recently shared about teaching multiple ages in homeschool, and how you can do it without going totally crazy if you combine the kids in a few subjects. I had no clue how to teach homeschool geography, and I really needed something that took the mystery out of it. This book (The Ultimate Geography and Timeline Guide) allows me to teach them all at once because it is SO comprehensive – maps, timelines figures, fun things for them to do, and a lot more. This year, we tested it out and we were able to find a map with every single history subject we covered. If you don’t have a history curriculum that calls for map study, this geography book will talk you through teaching geography (which is a necessity for me, because while I’m not bad at the subject, I struggle to teach it!). 

For example, right now in Sonlight we are studying the Thirteen Colonies. Sonlight has some map activities outlined for us, but I wanted to supplement with some additional Geography. I looked up “Thirteen Colonies” in the Index, and found questions, maps, a section on each colony, Map Work & Research options, timeline dates and facts, and more. 

My favorite feature with this book is the included CD with printable resources (that means I don’t have to clean the peanut butter off of my copy machine screen in order to print maps for the kids to work on). 

I had read about this book in a few online forums, but at the time, I couldn’t find it for sale. So I contacted the publishing company and told them that I planned to write a review, and they very graciously sent me a free copy to review – but, you know me, my opinions are my own and I won’t be swayed by a free book. 🙂 This has been an excellent resource for our family this year and I think you’ll love it! (Plus, I saw a few available on Amazon used for about $5 – I’m not sure if those include the CD, but you can’t go wrong with a price like that!). Just a heads up – the link below is an affiliate link. 

I have just a few more reviews coming before summer is upon us, where I’ll let you know if the books we tried this year really worked for our family – or not. The Ultimate Geography and Timeline Guide is definitely a winner. 

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