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Low-Carb Pumpkin Bread

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Finally! Low-carb pumpkin bread...moist and delicious!

I looooove pumpkin bread. My family can down a loaf for dessert in 5 minutes flat. I’ve been making the same family recipe for pumpkin bread for many years, and we’ve missed it SO MUCH since we went gluten-free and sugar-free. After some experimentation I finally came up with a delicious loaf of gluten-free, sugar-free, low carb pumpkin bread. I want to describe it as moist. I really do. But so many people hate the word ‘moist’ that I feel bad even using it here at all. So I’m sorry. Let’s just say it’s not dry, and you’ll know what I mean when I say that, ok? 

This is delicious with butter or cream cheese, but it’s a rockstar by itself, too. You can eat this cold, but I really recommend it fresh and warm from the oven.  If you want to have a fall extravaganza, try adding my Low-Carb Pumpkin Spice Latte. You can also add 1/4 – 1/2 cup of Lily’s stevia-sweetened chocolate chips or chopped up skinny chocolate.

Low carb pumpkin bread - SO GOOD!!!

This is my family’s favorite fall dessert, and it will definitely have a place on our Thanksgiving table! This is an “S” recipe if you follow Trim Healthy Mama. This recipe calls for Trim Healthy Mama’s Gentle Sweet and Trim Healthy Mama’s Baking Blend, which you can buy from Amazon or from the Trim Healthy Mama store. 

 This recipe was linked up at OrgJunkie’s Menu Plan Monday


4.8 from 4 reviews
Low-Carb Pumpkin Bread
Delicious, low-carb pumpkin bread! This tastes even better the next day.
Recipe type: Dessert
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup canned pumpkin
  • ½ cup liquid coconut oil (I melted mine in the oven)
  • ⅓ cup + 2 tablespoons water
  • ½ cup + 1 tablespoon Trim Healthy Mama Gentle Sweet*
  • 1⅔ cups Trim Healthy Mama Baking Blend
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • ¼ teaspoon baking powder
  • ¾ teaspoons salt
  • ½ tsp ground cloves**
  • ½ tsp nutmeg**
  • ½ tsp ginger**
  • ½ tsp allspice**
  • ½ tsp cinnamon**
  • ½ cup chopped nuts (optional, I usually don't put nuts in)
  • ¼ - ½ cup Lily's stevia sweetened chocolate chips (optional, not pictured)
  1. Preheat oven to 325
  2. Spray or lightly coat a loaf pan with coconut oil
  3. Mix all wet ingredients plus Gentle Sweet or low-carb sweetener in one bowl
  4. Mix all dry ingredients in a second bowl
  5. Add dry mixture to wet mixture one cup at a time, mixing well after each addition
  6. Pour into loaf pan
  7. Bake for 1 hour, then check to see if it's done. You want a toothpick to come out clean, but watch that the edges of the loaf don't start to burn.
*You can try truvia or another low-carb sweetener like Swerve instead of THM's Gentle Sweet, but please note that I haven't tested this recipe with those options so I can't vouch for the results.
**You can try a combination of ½ almond flour and ½ coconut flour to replace THM's Baking Blend, but again, I haven't tried it so I can't guarantee good results.
***This is the same as my pumpkin spice mix I've used in other recipes here at WorkingatHomeschool.com, so if you already have some made up, you can use 2½ teaspoons of it here instead of measuring out the individual spices listed above. You can also use pumpkin pie spice, but I would start at 2 tsp and taste before you start baking (I feel obligated to mention here that apparently you can get sick from eating raw eggs sometimes. I ate about three pounds of raw cookie dough a week when I was a teenager and I never got sick, but you might want to read about it first.)

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          1. I made it the first time with 1 can. I mis-read the recipe also. It turned out okay but was very moist. Still good and edible. Def make it with one cup next time and you can use the extra pumpkin in another loaf or something else. 🙂

  1. I made this tonight in three little loafs. It is so good, I will definitely make this again! Thank you for making this gal so happy.

    1. Thanks, I’m so glad you like it! I broke my mini loaf pans last year, but I’m looking to replace them so I can do the same thing!

  2. Could I sub butter for the coconut oil? And if so would it be the same amount? Thanks! I am excited to try this recipe!!

    1. Hi Rebecca! The recipe calls for coconut oil – where did you want to sub the butter? It normally would be a 1:1 substitution.

  3. What is the carb count for this recipe. Either per serving (along with size of serving) or for the whole loaf.

      1. I’m confused! I added up the net carbs and got: eggs (1) + pumpkin (12) + Gentle Sweet (81) + Baking Blend (7) for a total of 101. Divide that by 8 and you get almost 13 net carbs per serving. Where am I going amiss? I’m fairly new too so maybe I am missing something.

          1. And BTW, I made your pumpkin bread this morning and it was yummy! I spreaded it with just a little softened low-fat cream cheese and had a couple of scrambled eggs with it. Ended up cutting mine into 12 pieces I think and felt very satisfied!

    1. I’ve used both in this recipe – it’s probably not very superfoodie of me, but I usually buy coconut oil on sale and use whichever is less expensive.

    1. I’m really not sure, Kim! I would try to do it at 325 and start checking at 30 minutes. You want the top to look cooked, and a toothpick to come out clean. I’m sorry I can’t help more! Please let me know how it turns out!

      1. I originally set the timer for 45 min at 325 but then around 40 min I checked it (because it smelled so good and I didn’t want to wait) and it was cooked through. It probably would have been okay for 45 min. It probably would have been better to wait a little bit longer to solidify. It came out a little more cakey but that doesn’t bother me. I added some butter and it was delicious! Thanks for the great recipe!

        1. Thanks so much for updating me, Kim! I’ll have to give it a try, too! I’m wondering if I could make it into bars instead of the loaf of pumpkin bread…thanks again!

  4. I’ve made this twice now – it’s like pumpkin pie meets pumpkin bread and is sooooo good! I’m wondering if I’m doing something wrong though. My batter is so very thick and you say to pour it into the pan. I have to spoon it in and then smooth it out! What am I missing?

    1. Hi Dianne, my batter will pour, but it is very thick. It sounds like you are doing it right, I probably just didn’t explain it very well.

      1. I don’t use the Gentle Sweet because of the xylitol (I have a dog)…do you think it would work with the Super Sweet blend? If so, how much?

  5. This is my second time in two weeks making this bread! It’s so yummy!
    Thank you for the recipe!

  6. thanks for the recipe. We are new to THM. Would you pair this with eggs for breakfast? Any other ideas to make it a full breakfast? I have teen boys and they certainly need full breakfast!

    1. Sure! It’s a dessert bread, so keep in mind that it won’t be savory if that’s what you’re looking for. 🙂 If you’re new to THM, please be aware that it takes some time to adjust to different sweeteners. I often recommend that people go a few weeks without any sweets when they’re first getting started to give yourself time to adjust. If you’re already used to low-carb sweeteners, just note that it’s good to start small with sweetener and add more if you think you need it. The great thing about this pumpkin bread is that you can make stevia-sweetened whipped cream to go on top if you’d like. I hope that helps!

  7. Hello! I made this last night and LOVE it. I did make it with the almond flour and coconut flour. I’m not sure if I didn’t bake it enough even though the sides were brown just like the picture. It really wasn’t a bread, more like a really moist soft cake. Do I do something wrong? Not bake it long enough? Don’t get me wrong it tasted great! Thanks for any help!!

    1. Hi Pamela! I think it does have a cake-like texture. My family’s original pumpkin bread recipe inspired this one, and that one tasted more like a cake but was made in a bread pan and called a bread, as well. I hope that answers your question – I’m so glad you liked it!

  8. Can I use pumpkin pie spice instead of all the others spices? I don’t have most of them. If so, do you know how much I would use?

    1. Raelene, I’m sorry I didn’t get back to you right away because my computer was down. You may want to add a little extra pumpkin spice because it doesn’t taste quite as flavorful. Thanks!

      1. Not a problem at all. I know you are a very busy woman! I am thankful for all your great recipes and help with THM!❤️?

  9. Do you have the entire nutrition facts listed for this recipe? I accidentally used an entire can of pumpkin instead of one cup! I am hoping to use it. The recipe has 15.2 fat grams and 4.2 net carbs per slice. Could I still use this? I calculated this by cutting my bread into 10 slices. Thank you!!

    1. ***It’s actually 18.2 fat grams and 4.5 net carbs per slice. I had a typo. 🙂 Thanks.

    2. Jennifer, I’m sorry I don’t have that handy. As long as your can is pure pumpkin, you should be OK with a small slice and still staying at a low-carb S. If your slices are a bit bigger you might end up in S Helper territory.

    1. I’m sorry, Rebecca, I haven’t tried to freeze this one! I imagine it would work, because I’ve frozen similar recipes, but I can’t guarantee it. Please let me know what happens if you try it!

  10. Hi Jen, This pumpkin bread is sooooooo fabulous!! I added Lily’s chocolate chips and it is oh so divine! Thank you so much for this recipe! While my family ate the pumpkin pie, I got to enjoy my own special treat! Thank you so very much for sharing this and all of your recipes and menus.

  11. This bread is very yummy. A while back i watched an America’s test kitchen show about the best pumpkin bread. they cooked the canned pumpkin with the spices in a sauce pan to help intensify the pumpkin flavor. think they let it cool a bit afterwards and then added to the remaining ingredients. Do you think this would work here?

    1. Hi Samantha! I think that would definitely work if it was totally cool afterwards! Great idea, thank you for sharing. 🙂

  12. I just made this tonight for the first time, and it was absolutely delicious!! The taste was great for sure, but the texture was amazing. It was exactly like a traditional pumpkin bread. Thank you for this awesome fall treat!

  13. Is the temp correct. I think made this and baked for 1 hr at 325 and definitely does not look baked

    1. Yes, it is correct. If you insert a toothpick and it comes out clean, it’s cooked through. If it isn’t done you can always put it back in – oven temps can vary a bit. 🙂

  14. This was a total win! It truly tastes like my original recipe that I have been making for 30 years. I will be making this again and again. Thank you!!

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