Finish 2020 Strong with this free Challenge!

It's time for the New Year Challenge!
This is my favorite challenge of the year – it's a great opportunity to stop the spiral that so many of us can fall into after Christmas.
The goals for this challenge are simple: Get on plan, and make it SUSTAINABLE. Make it something you can do long-term. Make it simple and easy!
the challenge details
- This challenge runs from December 26 – January 1. If you're starting late, please don't worry! You can jump in anytime and join us, or you could do this at a later date on your own if you'd like to!
- Day 1 is going to be a recovery day – we'll have some Deep S, healthy meals to get back on track. You can find some suggestions in the first printable packet linked below!
- Days 2-7 are going to be focused on creating systems to help you stay on plan! I'm going to break down my weekend prep that makes following THM super easy into small tasks to show you how I stay successful on-plan for the long haul!
what you need to participate in the challenge:
For Day 1, you need this printable packet (you've already gotten this via email if you're on my email list!):
You'll need healthy, on-plan foods for days 2-7 (and beyond – remember this is for the long-haul!).
You'll also need a pen and paper to follow along with the challenge tasks – you can find out about those both in the Facebook group (posted every morning), and by opting in for the challenge emails below.
Even if you're on my email list, you'll want to opt-in for this challenge by signing up for the printable packet below (don't worry – you won't get double emails from me if you're already subscribed!). That's the easiest way to make sure you get everything you need for the challenge!
If you haven't already joined my free Challenge Facebook group, you can do so by clicking here: Facebook Group
Please keep an eye on your email inbox, and get ready to stay on plan for this upcoming week! You've got this!