
Stay On Plan for the Holidays Class

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Wouldn’t it be nice if you didn’t have to worry about damage control after the holidays? Think about how nice it would feel if you were THAT much closer to your goals on January 1, instead of starting over (again). What if you had an on-plan, guilt-free holiday season to enjoy with your family?  

After nearly nine years on plan, I’ve done the holidays both ways – off-plan and on-plan. I can tell you with certainty that the years I’ve stuck to Trim Healthy Mama 100% through the holiday season have been the BEST! I always felt great, made progress towards my goals, and most importantly – I did NOT feel deprived at all! 

I want to help you get the same guilt-free, healthy holiday experience – with the most delicious THM recipes out there! As a Certified THM Lifestyle Coach, I’m ready to help you stick to it through Thanksgiving and Christmas! 

If you are currently in my Six Week Bootcamp you’ll get access to this class for free, so please don’t worry about registering here. 🙂 This class will be held Friday, November 19th at 12pm. Don’t worry if you can’t join in live – this class will be available to review at any time at your convenience!

In this 30 minute class (OK, I mean I’ll *try* to stick to 30 minutes but I always go over, and I’m so sorry for that!), we’ll cover:

  • Why you should stay on plan for Thanksgiving and Christmas
  • Simple strategies to make it easy to stay on plan
  • How to get back on track if you derail
  • THM-friendly Thanksgiving and Christmas meal plans, plus bonus printables to help you stay on track!

Or you can click here to learn more. I’ll look forward to seeing you there!

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