
July Challenge – Enjoy your E’s!

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Do you eat enough E’s?

Our next challenge is a very, very necessary one!

As a Certified THM Lifestyle Coach, I often hear that E’s are not as exciting as S meals, desserts are not as good, S meals are easier…the list goes on and on. But I couldn’t disagree more!

I remember having a lot of the same feelings, but honestly – E’s have become my FAVORITE fuel type!

And even more importantly – after coaching so many women through my THM Bootcamps and helping so many get to their goal weight, I am convinced that E meals make a HUGE difference!

On more than one occasion I’ve increased a client’s E meals and seen stubborn pounds melt off. Or tweaked the number of E’s the eat in a week and seen an undeniable difference.

I want you to make sure you are getting enough E meals in – even more than that, I want you to enjoy them!

This next challenge will run for TWO WEEKS, from Wednesday, July 14th to Wednesday, July 28th. I have TONS of tips ready to share with you and some fantastic E meal ideas.

The details of the challenge will be released soon, but for now, I put together an E-friendly shopping list to make sure you have what you need to participate! This is not a completely comprehensive E food list (of course not every E food in existence is listed here!) but it has the basics to help you get started! You’ll also want to join the free THM-Friendly Challenge Facebook Group here.

You can download your printable list below. Signing up for this printable will not result in duplicate emails from me if you are already receive emails from me, it will just direct my email system to send the printable straight to your inbox. 😊 Happy shopping!

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