Homeschool Preschool Curriculum Ideas from the Target Dollar Spot
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This year, I am homeschooling three big kids, with two littles in the house. Having never had five kids before now, I don't know exactly how it's going to go. However, over the years I've had LOTS of experience occupying little ones while bigger kids are doing schoolwork.
I am not one who recommends a formal pre-K for homeschool (I have never been successful with it, and have come to learn that it's often too much, too soon for my kids). I've never loved the preschool curriculum ideas that I've found, but I do know that an informal, fun, relaxed learning environment for preschoolers can produce a love of learning, a sense of accomplishment, and opportunities for fun and bonding with mom and the bigger kids. So this year, we are homeschooling from the Target Dollar Spot and Dollar Tree. For real. And if you think it's a weird thing to do…you might be right. But it might also be awesome, because some pre-K boxed curriculum sets cost hundreds of dollars, and I'm pretty sure I'm recreating something very similar with my inexpensive Target haul. I've written before about 15 Ways to Save Money on Homeschool Curriculum…but since I want Pre-K to stay informal and fun, I just don't want to spend a ton of money.
Here is a closer look:
This is just a quick picture to show you some of the things that are available at the Target Dollar Spot: letter matching cards, shapes book, color-matching felt popsicle sticks, counting blocks, jumbo paper coins, matching workbook, letter puzzle, Today's Weather cards, lacing cards, and a floor activity workbook with stickers.
There was a lot more available than this, and even more at Dollar Tree, but just this mini-haul covers: letters, shapes, counting, money, logic, fine motor skills, and coloring.
Seriously, people, this is a good deal! I will separate these items out into boxes for four days of the week (we school year-round and take one weekday off every week), and let my preschooler choose one box to explore for every week day. I'll add some of the letter games and learning preschool toys we already have to each box.
I also picked up a few fun things for me:
I LOVE the red clip strip and I have this weird compulsion to pick up chalkboard labels every time I'm at Target. Every. Single. Time. I've become a chalkboard label hoarder. Please don't judge me.
Have you found any great teaching or learning supplies at the Dollar Spot? Please let me know if you find something I should look out for!

I love the Dollar Tree for preschool activities! And just another reason to love Target! 🙂
Me too! It’s not like I needed another reason to shop at Target, though, lol!
Ooo! I am loving the clipboard strip. I’ll have to check out my Target’s Dollar Spot. I have 2 little pre-schoolers this year myself.
It’s working really well! I’ve got the kids’ artwork on it right now, but I’m thinking of hanging the hundreds chart and some other school charts on it instead.
We got little multi-colored foam square blocks from Target a few years ago, and let me tell you, it was one of the best dollars I’ve ever spent for a math manipulative. I have a kid in 4th grade that still uses those. They have helped with basic counting all they way up to division and word problems. If I could go back, I’d buy two. ☺️
You have some great ideas up there. I completely agree about the preschool curriculum. The prices are silly. I would also add in that library programs like story time and crafts have always been fun and educational for my kiddos and fostered a love for the library.
Mandi, that’s a great idea! I’ve used the library for classes for my bigger kids, but never really thought about programs for the littler ones. That sounds like a lot of fun! I’m going to have to watch out for those foam square blocks or something similar – math manipulative are oddly expensive and I haven’t wanted to invest in something that could get lost so easily (or end up all over the floor). Thanks for the ideas!
Hi there, the red clip strip looks interesting, as I have two little childs for pre-school and I will definitely check out them. Thank you again for all your work!