Best Podcasts for Mom Entrepreneurs
I've been an avid podcast listener for years, and I can truly attribute quite a bit of my business knowledge, structure, and growth to what I've learned from podcasts. It's like I get a free business education while I'm doing the dishes or homeschooling my kids, and I'm VERY thankful for it! I've discovered some awesome podcasts in the past few years, and I know that my fellow entrepreneur moms might like something new to listen to! Here's a list of my very favorite podcasts for Mom-Entrepreneurs:
1. Smart Passive Income & Ask Pat with Pat Flynn – I have to say that Smart Passive Income has been the single most helpful podcast for my blog. Smart Passive Income taught me to treat my blog, where I write what I'm passionate about, like a business. Sounds crazy, right? But websites cost money to run (my overhead costs to keep this website up and running still surprise me). was created to help other busy moms, and I've never stopped producing content to meet those goals. But as it's grown, I've had to learn how to cover my business costs and I'm now at the point where I've been able to help put food on the table for these growing kiddos. Smart Passive Income helped me with the business basics and gave me the push I needed to work on email list growth, which is absolutely necessary for any successful online business (but I wouldn't have known that if not for this podcast!). I have pages and pages of notes from Smart Passive Income and Ask Pat that have given invaluable direction on just about every aspect of my business.
2. Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield – Amy Porterfield is a webinar guru, and I first found her podcast when I was learning about webinars and courses. But as I started binge-listening to Amy's podcasts, I discovered a wealth of marketing information that has been so incredible helpful. Online Marketing Made Easy is similar to Smart Passive Income in the sense that I've gotten so much incredibly valuable free information from these podcasts, I feel like I should have paid to listen!
3. Brilliant Business Moms with Beth Anne Schwamberger – There's so much to love about Brilliant Business Moms! Beth Anne's philosophy of working on the side so you can spend more time with your family is a breath of fresh air in the full-time “hustle” environment that prevails in content marketing and online sales. I was hustling myself right into permanent exhaustion and bad health, while homeschooling my 5 kids and parenting solo while my husband worked long, long hours. I feel like Brilliant Business Moms offers a great reminder that I can Mom FIRST and keep my hustling to the side! Doing that has made my home business even more successful and allowed me to give myself permission to relax a little and remember that there's a time for hard work and a time for rest and focusing on other things. I've taken some of Brilliant Business Moms classes, I've bought the planner (I'd post a link but it's all sold out until next year's becomes available), and everything has been so incredibly useful and beneficial that I'm in a place where I know I'll buy just about anything Brilliant Business Moms has for sale, because it's just THAT good and useful.
7. Off the Charts with Nathalie Lussier – Off the Charts is filled with both practical advice and inspiration to move forward. I love the podcasts that address strategy the most, and you can count on tips, tech tools, and hacks to make you more productive and your business more streamlined. These are very short podcasts, but very informative!
8. Build Your Tribe with Chalene Johnson – Build Your Tribe is an excellent podcast for mom entrepreneurs. I feel like Chalene's huge success with online marketing makes her business a must-follow case-study, and she shares what works for her and how it can help you with your business. There's a lot more to Build Your Tribe, and it's all fun and beneficial. Chalene's style of sharing is frank and refreshing, and SO helpful!
9. EntreLeadership is a project of Dave Ramey's, and it's incredibly motivating. While not every single podcast feels like it is 100% applicable to mom entrepreneurs, I feel like I can get something out of just about every interview! Even if you're not “leading” anyone in business (I don't have any employees, so I was skeptical about this one), EntreLeadership includes a lot of motivation and encouragement, business strategy, personal growth, and more. Definitely worth checking out!
Those are my very favorite podcasts for mom entrepreneurs and small business owners. Do you have a favorite? I'd love to discover some new podcasts – please share your top picks in the comments!

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