
ErinCondren.Com $100 Gift Card Giveaway!

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$100 Gift Card Giveaway

I’m giving this away because I haven’t been posting lately, and I’m SO SORRY! I have tons of homeschool ideas to share, new curriculum ideas, PLUS TONS of Trim Healthy Mama recipes and meal plans. All of those posts are still coming! I’m ashamed of myself, people. But my first job is being a wife and mommy, then a homemaker, THEN work and blogging. So the past two weeks, with the dryer, dishwasher, and garbage disposal ALL BROKEN AT THE SAME TIME, I’m just trying to deal with real life. (Sorry for yelling that part about the appliances being broken. I’m thankful for them, seriously. But you might yell, too, if you had to do laundry for seven people and have been used to being spoiled with a working dryer). 

To make it up to you, I’m giving away a gift card for the ultimate planning tool, an Erin Condren Life Planner! (You can see my review here). Or, if you already have one, you can use the gift card for stickers, or special planner pens, or any one of the other amazingly cute things for sale.  It’s $100 for you to spend on yourself! The giveaway will run until noon MST on Mother’s Day (Sunday, May 10, 2015).  Giveaway closed!

I use my planner for easy THM meal planning, keeping track of appointments, blog scheduling, homeschool assignments, field trips, and tons more. Check out my Every Mom’s Guide to Getting Organized Series for more ideas, and stay tuned this week for more healthy, easy meal plans and ideas!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Wow.. U are amazing.. Entering and hoping to win.. Soooo want a ECLP and can’t afford it

  2. If I won I would use the gift card to buy the new June release of the 18 month life planner!

  3. I’m a homeschooling mom to 4 and definitely need a better organizer. My brain has turned to mommy mush. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  4. Hi! Thanks for the chance to win this gift card. If I win I will use it to purchase on of their teacher lesson planners. I am a first year teacher and want to try one to stay organized. Thanks again for the chance to win!!

  5. Out of all of the different planners online, on planner reviews, and on youtube videos the EC life planners are by far my favorite! They are perfection<3 I love how they are so durable and they come with so many bonuses like the gorgeous elastics to keep them closed and the handy rulers:)! They are also uber cute and perfection for a girly girl like myself:)!!! Between being a full time student and working I have to keep track of everything from assignments to classes to work to exams to bills and bank account and spending and savings and basically I have a lot to keep track of and I am a perfectionist so I need to stay organized 24/7 or I will lose my mind!!! I LOVE planners and organizing them and decorating them (when I finally find a little bit of free time lol!) They are what keep me sane in life! Thank you so much this is AMAZING and awesome and so so kind and generous<3!!! I follow you on twitter, fb , and pinterest My Twitter handle is @laluver101 pinterest is emmybear411 and fb is Emmy:)!!! THANK YOU:D!!!!!!

  6. Love these planners! I’ve been drooling over them for awhile now…would be so great to help plan meals 🙂

  7. I would, of course, buy a new planner. A friend of mine just bought one and she really lives it.

  8. I’d get TWO planners — one for me and one for one of my kids in college. I think I would have them each make dinner for me to compete for who gets it… muahaha…

  9. I would buy two planners, one for me and one for a close friend. We really need one, it would keep us more organized !

  10. I’ve been eyeing the Erin Condren planners for a while now.. I’m dying to get one! I home school my 12 year old daughter, and I was just accepted to nursing school, so I will need lots of careful planning! (and a really pretty, functional planner always helps to make it fun) 🙂

  11. I would definitely be getting a.planner. skipped out on my ec planner this year, and I am missing it!

  12. Just started homeschooling 3 kids this year. And my system is not quite as good looking as yours. Would love to get that planner and do it even better next year!

  13. If I won, I would purchase a teacher planner for myself and a life planner for my instructional aide, who is going back to school to get her teaching credential. Thank you.

  14. i would love to use this for the life planner! her designs are so beautiful!

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    wildorchid985 AT gmail DOT com

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