Trim Healthy Mama Lunch Ideas with DIY Protein Boxes – E Version

Want SUPER quick and easy THM lunches? I started making these on-the-go favorites years ago – they were initially inspired by protein boxes from Starbucks. Kind of like a charcuterie board in a box. I absolutely LOVED them – they only took a few minutes to make, they were delicious, and I could make a whole bunch at once in very little time. My kids loved them, too! (You can click HERE to see the original S-friendly version of these boxes!)
We've been enjoying them for the past few years, and since the initial blog post was published I've gotten requests almost every day for an “E”-friendly version of the DIY protein boxes. I created a printable worksheet with ideas for the “E” version of these boxes for you below!
Sometimes simple, easy, and delicious is the best way to stick to the plan 100%, and these boxes meet all of those categories!

A lot of the items on this worksheet require little to no prep, so it's even possible to make these with store bought items in just a few minutes. I'm telling you, these boxes are a lifesaver and they've become a go-to around here for easy breakfasts, lunches, and snacks!

These come together in under 5 minutes, and they are so quick and easy!
I use these Rubbermaid Brilliance Food Storage Containers, and make three or four boxes at a time. I'm seriously loving this on-the-go lunch idea, and my kids are loving it, too!
I have more of my favorite bento-style boxes linked here:
Jen's Favorite DIY Protein Box Containers
Make it your own:
The free printable worksheet has tons of mix-and-match protein box bonus ideas to help you out – you can scroll to the bottom of this post for your free copy!
Just like with the “S” worksheet, all you have to do is choose a protein from the worksheet, then one item from each category listed.
These DIY protein boxes are so deliciously customizable you could have different flavors and combinations all month long!

The worksheet is somewhat self-explanatory, but all you'll need to do is choose one from each category (or two portions as instructed on the printable if you want to switch it up a little. You'll put each of the categories in its own separate container of your Bento box or portioned lunch box. If you don't have a box like that, you can always use separate tupperware containers, ziploc bags, or anything that works for you!
That's it! Quick and easy! The printable worksheet has lots more ideas, but you can come up with your own E combinations to make it your own! I'd love to hear from you if you try this out!