
Trim Healthy Habits Class

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Want to focus on those THM Habits that have helped my clients make serious progress?Here's your chance! 

​Do you feel like it's hard to do “all of the things” that we are supposed to do to be healthy…lose weight…feel better?

I can RELATE. At one point, I made a spreadsheet with 33 different habits I *wanted* to incorporate to get rid of the extra weight I'd gained (yes, even while I was fully on plan). I'd read about some of them online, my friends had suggested some, and soon I found myself trying to cram in dozens of “extras” into each and everyday, then beating myself up when I couldn't stick with it.

The worst thing? The more I did all of these things (or tried to…I wasn't very successful!) the less time I had, the worse my lab markers looked, and the more exhausted I became.

What finally worked for me?

I QUIT. I quit doing “all the things”, and pared it down to a few sustainable habits. I went back to JUST the key habits that I knew worked for hundreds of my clients. And guess what? IT WORKED. The weight came back off. I felt better, and I was reminded that Trim Healthy Mama WORKS. Period. 

I know – as a coach, I should have known better. I genuinely thought I was enhancing my journey, but instead I just overcomplicated it and stressed myself out.

The great news is that I'm ready to teach you which habits can make your Trim Healthy Journey WAY easier, and which ones you might want to ditch!

I made a quick infographic with a summary, but there's so much more – and I'll be sharing all of the details in my upcoming Trim Healthy Habits Class for just $5! I'll explain WHICH of these supporting habits are KEY, and which are just bonuses. We'll talk through how to incorporate the most important non-negotiables into your day so they become second nature (and I'll explain how I can meal prep in 5 minutes a day!). 

Earlybird registration at the discounted price ends at midnight on August 5th
. After that, the price will go up to $17.This Trim Healthy Habit Master Class is going to help you solidify what's most important and help you learn more about how to stay on plan.

We'll be live August 7th at 6:30pm MST, but after the class is over you can watch the replay anytime. 😊 Truly putting THM on autopilot takes consistency with good habits, and I can't wait to show you how it's done!

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