30 Day Family Menu for the Trim Healthy Mama Plan
You can download the menu and shopping lists here:
September is here! This is a really basic 31 day family menu for the Trim Healthy Mama Plan with lots of no-recipe recipes, and a few favorites from the Trim Healthy Mama Cookbook (if you don’t have this book, you can try Pinterest for substitutions, just make sure the substitute falls into the THM guidelines). You can get the menu and shopping list at the bottom of this post.
Resources I Use:
- Instant Pot (perfect for Pot Roast in week 1 – just follow the pot roast directions on the insert that comes with your instant pot), and brown rice and quinoa are SO much faster and easier with this thing! I use mine several times a week.
- THM Cookbook
- Erythritol
- Gentle Sweet
- Pure Stevia Extract
- Protein Powder
If you're tastes are a little different, or if this menu doesn’t appeal to you, I have months and months of other menus available here.
After many requests, I went back to the way I used to do the menus – 31 meals that you can make when it fits your family. This makes it much more customizable to your eating habits and cooking style – just choose what you want, and go from there! This menu planning style goes really well with a Menu Board – you might want to try that out if you find you have food go bad before you can get to it or if you want to try a really efficient way to meal plan that takes very little time. I worked really hard to put together a clean, easy-to-read and follow menu and shopping list to make your shopping experience even better. I hope it works well for you!
Here are your notes (these are important!), and below these notes you’ll find the free printable downloads:
- If you’re interested in eating a healthy, frugal diet but you don’t know what the “S and E” letters next to the meal names are, don’t worry! Anyone can benefit from this healthy menu. Those letters are for the Trim Healthy Mama diet (which I highly recommend!), and if you’re interested, you can learn more about it in the Trim Healthy Mama book or with one of my free resources.
- MOST IMPORTANT if you follow Trim Healthy Mama: The clickable recipe links in the menu may not be THM-friendly as written. PLEASE make sure that you read the notes next to the recipe link that make each recipe THM-compliant.
- As always, this menu is gluten-free.
- Each week, I’ll put up a new post with the printable shopping lists. You can sign up in the white section at the top of this page to get updates so you don’t miss out!
- If there’s no clickable recipe link, that means it’s super simple and you can make it to your liking. If, for example, you don’t know how long to cook chicken thighs, you can just season them to your liking and cook them the way you normally do, or search for instructions online. But I try to include some instruction with each meal idea to make it simple. Lots of the breakfasts for this month are pretty easy, like scrambled eggs, and don’t include instructions. The shopping list for week one is for days 1-7, week 2 is days 8-14, etc. That way you can start your week depending on when you normally do your grocery shopping.
- As always, please note that my menu planning system includes repeating breakfasts, lunches, and snacks throughout the month for simplicity. That means there are lists of breakfasts, lunches, and a handful of snacks included on this menu. My kids and I enjoy the routine of knowing that on Monday we will be eating a certain thing for breakfast and a certain thing for lunch – it definitely saves time in the kitchen!
- Some of the dinners filled us up with just the entree alone, but it just might be us – feel free to add a side salad or round out your meals as desired.
- Remember that THM is SO ADAPTABLE! You may need to swap out E for S, or S for E, or switch things up during the week. Don’t be afraid to mix up your fuel types and keep your body guessing!
- This menu and the shopping lists that go with it feed my family of 7, but my oldest is 12. If you have bigger kids, or big eaters, you may want to add more protein, rice, and veggies to your shopping list. It doesn’t hurt the recipes to add an extra chicken breast or 1/2 lb of ground beef to make a meal stretch, and you can always add extra rice or veggies or salads as side dishes for the kids. When money’s tight, I’ll grab a bag of potatoes and give the kids a baked potato lunch when I’m eating a salad, or serve them as dinner sides that I avoid.
- If you have a smaller family you may want to make the meals as directed but freeze half (if it’s freezable), or just eat the leftovers for lunch.
- If you already need these ingredients and want to help keep WorkingatHomeschool.com running, using my affiliate links here doesn’t cost you any extra and definitely helps me out! You can check out my Resources Page to see where I buy my favorites.
Hoping to make it easier for you to download this menu – just enter your email address below and I'll email it right over!
Linked up at OrgJunkie's Menu Plan Monday

There is an error when I enter my email address to get the September menu. Can you please help so I am able to receive via email the menu? These are most helpful in my ability to stay on the THM plan.
Hi Amber, I’m sorry! This is a new system for me – can I ask what the error message is? I’m working on fixing these bugs right now; thanks for your patience!
When this has happened to me often it’s just there’s a space at the end of the email that you have to delete and that fixes it. Hope this helps!
Yes, you nailed it! I’m so glad you said that because I couldn’t figure it out. Thank you!!!
Hi Jen – the link is not working for the September meal plan. It just brings me back to this page. Any suggestions?
Hi Connie – Did you enter your email address so I can send it to you? Or is that where it sent you back to this page? I’m so sorry it’s not working for you; I’ll try to get it fixed ASAP!
No error for me. I just signed up. Thank you!!
Maybe I need more coffee :), but I am not seeing the link to download the menu. Can you steer me in the right direction? Thank you for all you do for us THM’ers.
Hi Linnie, it’s not you, it’s me! I’m sorry, I’m trying to work out the bugs of this new system and it’s driving everyone a little nuts. If you scroll to the bottom of the post, it should have a box for you to enter your email to have it sent straight to you – we were having so many problems with the server crashing I thought this would be a great solution – but maybe I was wrong! Anyway, do you see that box at the bottom?
I did eventually get an email, but then there was an error confirming my subscription. You are probably getting 100 messages, so sorry! Didn’t realize you had comment moderation. I thought maybe I was helping. 😉 Thanks for your hard work for us!
You are helping! I added a download button so everyone can grab it right now; I’m really sorry! I appreciate you letting me know it wasn’t working. I was feeling so technical and fancy with my new system – I’ve learned my lesson! If you have any problems please let me know, I really do appreciate you being so nice about it!
Jen you fixed it! Woohoo! The box is there and it downloads correctly. Thank you very much!
Yay! Thanks for your patience, Linnie!
It is updated
maybe this month I’ll be able to stick to it 😛
Thank you 🙂
Thank you SO much for this!!! Can’t wait to cook in September 😉
Thank you Jen for all of your hard work! It is greatly appreciated!
Thanks for the encouragement, Beth! 🙂
WOW….what a treasure! Thank you so much for taking the time to do all of this for us THM!!!! Super easy and you’re right…it’s pretty!!!
Thanks Lee, I’m glad it worked for you! I’m so sorry it was glitching at first!
YOu are awesome! Thank you!
Thanks so much Alisha!
You are a blessing!! Thank you for giving up your time to put this together for us. So excited about this easy September meal plan. Thankful for you & THM.
Thanks Krystal! I have the rest of the shopping lists for September coming soon!
thanks so much for sharing all your hard work. I would love to hear how you make your quinona salad with the leftover chicken. (#6) on your menu – when I click on it it just takes me to the chicken recipe. Do you mind sharing. you are a gift to the THM community. thanks again.
Hi Chrystal, I’m sorry I didn’t make it clearer! I just make a big green salad with lots of veggies and cooked quinoa. My dressing is usually 1 tsp of olive oil + 1 T vinegar or lemon juice and salt and pepper – but really any dressing that will work in an E setting will work just fine.
Ok I wrote down the shopping list. is this for just one week? I see week one shopping list but not the other weeks.
The other weeks are coming! You’ll see them up soon. 🙂
Please send the September menu. Thank you.
I have been looking at this plan for a few months… but finally decided it is time to get going. Any tips for a newbie would be greatly appreciated. I have already purchased may of the staples that I saw in the book so I am pretty set up for supplies.
Thank you SOOOO much!
Hi Theresa! It’s been sent over; I’m so glad you’re ready to start THM! It’s definitely changed my life. My number one tip is to start with one meal at a time. I tried to jump in full-throttle right away, and while that might work for some people, I got really overwhelmed and confused. Instead, I started making over just one meal at a time. I started with S breakfasts, and once I had breakfasts down, I moved on to lunches. It really helped me to understand the plan and stick with it. Good luck! I’m here to answer questions if you have any! -Jen
Thankyou!it worked:) So excited to see all the ideas
I am unable to sign up for the September meal plan. I’m getting an error message of “there was an error completing your request. Please try again”. I’m so excited to try your menu. I can never seem to start my own menu planning and am quit interested in the THM meals. Thank you.
Hi Danielle! It looks to me like you’re already signed up – are you able to check your spam folder? Sorry for the inconvenience. I love THM and I love meal planning, so you’re in the right place! 🙂
Is there any way to get more than just the first week’s shopping list? I do my shopping every other week, and so I often combine two weeks’ worth of lists to shop. I love your menus and have been using them for months! Makes my life sooo much simpler. Thanks so much!
Hi Katie! I post the shopping lists weekly, sorry. I make the menu and shopping lists the month before, but formatting them and turning them into printables takes some time, which means I’m not able to get them all up at the beginning of the month. But you could always use a different month’s menu that has all of the weeks already put together. I have lots of months of completed menus under “Menus and Meal Planning.”
Jen, i am curious…if you don’t mind me asking, what is your grocery budget for your family? I am struggling to keep my family of 8 on our budget and am beginning to think that the problem is not me but how little we are trying to spend. Thanks!
Hi Susan! In all honesty, I look at the national grocery guidelines to set my budget. My daughter has Celiac disease, which means we eat gluten-free, and that both helps and hinders us with our shopping. Including diapers, etc., I spend $900 a month – and I know some people say that’s way too much for a family of 7, and others say it’s too little, but I think a lot of it depends on the area you’re in. When we’re really tight I’ve gotten it down to $700 or less by eating up what’s in our pantry and freezer and making meals from the cheap menus I have here. You can look at those if you think they’ll be helpful! I have $7 Dinners Part I and $7 Dinners Part 2, and How I feed my family of six for $100 per week (although we’ve added a family member since I wrote that one!).
Thank heavens…I feel our $600 is too restrictive. I spend that in my ‘staples’ run and it doesn’t allow for weekly milk/meat/produce runs. I do need rto be better with using meat as a seasoning as opposed to the main but….I will definitely be looking more at your site.
Can you please let me know how the “weeks” work? With the recipes in a numbered list this is hard for me to understand. Is week 1 shopping list for days 1-7? Or is it Sunday-Saturday, etc. Thanks!
Yes, it’s days 1-7, 8-14, etc.
The link for day 6, Santa Fe quinoa salad, is just bringing n me to hire Rio com a chicken in the crockpot. Where can I find the salad recipe? Thanks!
Wow, should have proofread better. It brings me to how to cook a chicken in a crockpot.
Sonya, I’m sorry it didn’t work for you. These menus are free for you to use, but they take hours to put together, and I’m only human! Redirected links happen sometimes. I corrected the broken link, but just in case you didn’t see it, here is the recipe link: https://onceamonthmeals.com/recipes/gluten-free-dairy-free-santa-fe-style-quinoa-salad/ .
Thank you so much! I hope you know I meant I should have proofread my comment better, not you. I really appreciate the work you put into the menu!
I want to download you September menu.
Hi Dorothy! Just click the blue “Download” button near the top of the page. 🙂
Thanks, you rock!
Hi! I think I’m completely missing the link on where to get the September menu or sending you my email. Sorry!
Hi! It’s the blue “download” button right under the top image on the blog post. 🙂