Teaching kids to pray
I have a tween who begs to be passed by when we call on someone to pray. I have one middle kid who is happy to pray, as long as she can get by with one sentence. I have a middle kid who loves the preschool rhymes “God is great, God is good, thank you God for our food…”, and a toddler who always says, “Dear Jesus. Thank you for God. Amen.”
All of that to say…we're working on it. Prayer is an important thing for any Christian, and I want my kids to grow up to be strong in their faith – to be prayer warriors. While my kids are struggling in the prayer department, I've seen that I need to first work on MY prayer life, and that's what I'm trying to do. But as I'm working, I came across some really great resources for teaching kids to pray, and we've started implementing many of these tips this week! These are the links that have been the most useful to me for teaching kids to pray:
Teach Us to Pray verse cards from Path through the Narrow gate – these are beautiful, free printable verse cards. My kids really like these, and it's a great way to work on memorizing scripture, as well!
10 Ways to Teach Your Child to Pray from iMom.com – I really like this one, as it's a lot of prayer about external things, not just focused on ourselves.
5 Ways to Teach Your Children how to Pray from Home for the Win – I really like this list, too! This is a great way to explain how the Bible teaches us to pray
A Biblical Model for Teaching Prayer with the P.R.A.Y.E.R. model and free printable from Intoxicated on Life
Printable Prayer Prompts from Gather for Bread
Printable Prayer Journal Template from Mother's Niche
I hope you find these links helpful! Do any of you seasoned parents have tips for me? Please comment!
Photo copyright Christin Lola