Long (and personal!) post warning – I feel really, really great about something I just did, so I want to share! Since my teens, I've been incredibly aware of my crooked teeth. My parents weren't in the financial position to get braces for me (although, for some strange reason, one of my brothers got them – and he didn't even have the worst teeth! We joke that he must be the favorite).
I'm showing these awkward photos of me from my Working atHomeschool Facebook Live videos for a reason – my smiling photos (like in my profile picture) don't show my crooked teeth as well as photos of me talking! And while I've been thankful for that, I always thought that I would LOVE to do something just for me and fix my teeth because every time I open my mouth to speak, I'm embarrassed. I realize that that's MY issue, and no one is putting that on me! I know that it's a cosmetic issue, and I'm very blessed to be healthy. But I also know that this is a FIXABLE issue, and that every year I wait to fix this is another year that I make sure my mouth is closed and angle my head a certain way for photos. It's another year that I avoid live video and wonder if people are looking at my teeth when I talk to someone in person.
As a woman, I know the toll this has taken on my self confidence over the years. As a business owner, I wonder how it affects my website photos. But as a mom…well, as a mom I feel like I need to strike a balance between teaching my kids that it's what's on the inside that counts, AND teaching them that it's good to feel good about yourself!
After finally coming to the realization that I may be the only one who cares about my teeth, I decided that what I care about DOES matter! If this is an important issue to me, and there's something I can do about it, I'm going to. I didn't want to get traditional metal braces at 34 years old, so I did some research and found Snap Correct – a company that will use invisible aligners to help you fix your smile at home, for far less financial investment than I had imagined.
I have an Impression Kit from SnapCorrect.com and I'll be working with them to correct my teeth over the next few months. I'm a little apprehensive about it, but excited for the end result, and I'll post a few updates here and there to let you know how it's going. I feel more than a little awkward about these pictures, but I want to document the process and let you know how it works!
If you've struggled with this issue and want to do something about it, you can use my affiliate code SNAPATHOME on SnapCorrect.com to save 20% on your Impression Kit and an additional $300 off of your aligners! (I am so impressed with SnapCorrect that I am now working with them and may receive a commission if you use my code. You can read more disclaimers in my disclosure policy ?).
Here's a before photo of me: